AviCenna Case-Mix
Take care your patients vkbs-tubitak
AviCenna Case-Mix Information System (AviCenna Case-Mix) is web-based software prepared for the management and analysis of clinic and cost data of the health care organizations.

AviCenna Case-MixCase-Mix Information System is a program developed to manage the costing process and DRG grouping processes of clinical data in hospitals.
Case-Mix Information System is a program developed to manage the costing process and DRG grouping processes of clinical data in hospitals.

Case-mix is a type or mix of the patients treated by a hospital or unit. In order to determine the type or mix of patients, classification systems are needed. One of the most common classification systems in the world is called DRGs (Diagnosis Related Groups). DRG is a system including the grouping of similar diseased cases by using the clinical and demographic data of the patients.

Case-Mix Information System is a program to manage the cost accounting process of the cost data and DRG grouping processes of the clinical data in the hospitals Hospital-based, hospital group based and unit-based clinical and financial analysis can be done. This system also has been developed to support new reimbursement systems in countries. In Turkey working with General Directorate of Health Services, Department of DRG, DRG costs and cost-weight values has been reached as a result of 180-day study in November of 2012.
The program is based on three basic elements. The first is clinical data. Clinical data sets have been formed. Within data sets, data elements and business rules of these take place.

Clinical data contains enough factors to form Diagnosis Related Groups. After the data collection phase, DRGs can be formed. The data set has a wider net for the cost studies.

The second is financial data. As well as in the clinical data, financial data sets, data elements and factors of those have been determined. Data sets contain enough factors for the principles of cost accounting to be applied. After the data collection phase, it is possible to make a lot of analyses such as percentage and trend analyses in order to reach costs with regard to units and treatment types of hospitals.

The third one is the analysis stage where both data types come together. In analysis stage, data has been collected by combining clinical and financial data.


It is possible to analyze clinical and financial data on (DRG) and patient basis.The advantages of DRG system;
• Measurement of the clinical activities
• Making clinical and financial decisions in the hospital
• Comparisons of maintenance quality within the hospital and among hospitals
• Constantly supporting projects of clinical guidelines, protocols and constant quality development
• Forming data and identification standards
• Effectively following the costs in budgeting models based on DRG.


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